Why Third Year of University is Actually Great

Thursday, April 07, 2016 Anonymous 1 Comments

Easter has been and gone. Deadlines are coming thick and fast. For a lot of people in third year it’s understandably looking a bit bleak, with only work and then the dreaded end of Uni on the horizon. There’s no denying that the end of your final year can be tough, but looking back on the year as a whole it’s been great, surprisingly. Here are some reasons why I think third year is actually pretty swell.  

Hitting the Ground Running
This is the essence of the rest of my points, really. Just by having been through two years of making friends and facing up to new challenges makes a huge difference. By third year you can put the awkward mistakes of getting used to University behind you and enjoy student life. You can also draw on the life skills and experiences you’ve picked up along the way without even realising. Things like cooking, housework and other parts flat-sharing that might have seemed like a drag just months ago are easier too.

Halls weren’t for me personally, but whatever your opinion them on there’s definitely something to be said for choosing where and who you live with instead. I found having had the time to get to know certain areas better is really important in making a more informed decision. Admittedly, I’ve had my share of kerfuffles in this area, but having learnt from mistakes I’m much happier with my living situation this year.
The Headley Way Massive
Getting to Know Oxford
While I’m still hesitant to say I’ve discovered the ‘real’ Oxford or anything like that, this is the year I’ve finally felt truly settled. To be honest, I’m happy enough just getting lost less than I used to, but Oxford has a huge amount of shops, restaurants and scenic spots that I’ve only just started to appreciate. Even now, there’s still so much I’d like to get around to doing that I didn’t even know existed in the first couple of years.  

The Nightlife is Better
In a similar vein, knowing where to go and where to avoid on a night out is a big plus. I’ve definitely enjoyed going to more house parties or checking out nicer bars in Jericho and Cowley, more than the monotony of going to the same club nights every week. Even having more work means the potential silver lining of being a bit more selective with your social life, so not just going out for the sake of it.

The Work
Alright, bear with me on this one. As tough as the increase in workload can be, many courses become refreshingly refined once you get the chance to study specific areas both you and your lecturers are more interested in. That being said, in a surprising amount of cases you really don’t have to do a dissertation if you don’t want to. There are often more options for third year students you’d think.

A cultured, sophisticated third year student
Still Being at University
 As I write this, graduation and the terrifying thought being thrust into the ‘real world’ are drawing ever closer. This can actually be a good incentive to get out and do things in the city you haven’t got around to and to make the most of just being a student. Despite the added stress, it’s great to be in a state of relative freedom at a time of life where you still have plenty of opportunities. If that isn’t a bit cliché.

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